Rannsóknasetur um smáríki, Rannsóknasetur um norðurslóðir og Höfði friðarsetur Reykjavíkurborgar og Háskóla Íslands starfa innan vébanda Alþjóðamálastofnunar.
Alþjóðamálastofnun beitir sér fyrir auknu samstarfi milli fræðimanna, atvinnulífs og opinberra aðila á sviði alþjóðamála og gengst fyrir ráðstefnum, umræðufundum og fyrirlestrum um efni sem tengjast starfssviði stofnunarinnar. Stofnunin er vettvangur fyrir fræðileg alþjóðasamskipti og þverfagleg þjónustuverkefni fyrir atvinnulíf, fyrirtæki og stofnanir.
Are there fundamental values that underpin liberal democracy? How are identity narratives weaponised against them? Do these narratives ever translate into real-life policy challenges? What new ways are there of fostering unity in the face of divisive rhetoric?
In this Video Explainer, Karolina Czerska-Shaw, Assistant Professor at the Institute of …
Recording from the RECLAIM mid-term conference that was hosted by the Institute of International Relations in Prague (IIR), Wednesday 13 March 2024 in Worklounge Prikopy, Prague.
This conference marked the mid-point of the RECLAIM project. The conference drew attention to two key aspects of the post-truth challenge: the need for …
What are disruptive technologies? How do they affect our political cultures? In what ways can these technologies empower citizens? What regulatory framework would allow for an ethical development of new technologies?
In this Video Explainer, Nikola Schmidt, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations in Prague, explains the threats …
In what ways can we participate in politics? How does participation contribute to the functioning of a democratic system? Do digital technologies enhance or undermine democracy? What role does freedom of speech play in the health of a democratic system?
In this Video Explainer, Elena García Guitián, Full Professor of …
What is post-truth politics and why is it a threat? How does post-truth politics interact with populism? Does post-truth politics play a role in political polarisation?
In this Video Explainer, Maximilian Conrad, Professor of Political Science at the University of Iceland and Project Leader of RECLAIM, explains the differences and …
How effective are EU level instruments in supporting liberal democracy? Is the EU too slow or ineffective in responding to the challenges of post-truth politics? What is the response of liberal democracies to the undermining effects of post-truth politics? Is the current structure of the EU helps or hinders the …
What is citizenship education and what is its role in countering post-truth politics? What is the EU doing to promote citizenship education, and what instruments has it set up to identify and respond to disinformation? Finally, what is the role of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok in …
In this video, Prof. Maximilian Conrad explains the new RECLAIM project. Recent years have witnessed the emergence of a set of processes and phenomena that are frequently referred to as post-truth politics and which constitute a fundamental challenge, potentially even an existential threat, to liberal democracy as we have come …