
Rannsóknasetur um smáríki, Rannsóknasetur um norðurslóðir og Höfði friðarsetur Reykjavíkurborgar og Háskóla Íslands starfa innan vébanda Alþjóðamálastofnunar.

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Alþjóðamálastofnun beitir sér fyrir auknu samstarfi milli fræðimanna, atvinnulífs og opinberra aðila á sviði alþjóðamála og gengst fyrir ráðstefnum, umræðufundum og fyrirlestrum um efni sem tengjast starfssviði stofnunarinnar. Stofnunin er vettvangur fyrir fræðileg alþjóðasamskipti og þverfagleg þjónustuverkefni fyrir atvinnulíf, fyrirtæki og stofnanir.


Competing understandings of democracy in the struggle to regulate disinformation in the EU: Tracing the process from agenda setting to regulatory outcome (2018-2024)

Project: RECLAIM

Authors: Luis Bouza García (UAM), Álvaro Oleart (ULB), Rocío Sánchez del Vas (UC3M) and Juan Roch (UNED)

The objective of WP7 is to analyse how normative conceptions of public debate in democracy relate to different policy alternatives and political strategies to fight disinformation by using political theory to …

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Polarisation, News Consumption, and Beliefs in Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories: Early Signs of the Fragmentation of the Public Sphere in Iceland

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Authors: Jón Gunnar Ólafsson & Valgerður Jóhannsdóttir

A common explanation linked to increased polarisation has focused on changes in citizens’ information diets, with like-minded people apparently becoming increasingly isolated in online echo chambers. This article investigates whether news audience polarisation has increased …

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Exploring affective Polarisation of the (Digital) Public Sphere in Slovenia: The Case of Marshal Twito

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Authors: Melika Mahmutović & Marko Lovec

The last decade saw the issue of polarisation garnering increased scholarly attention. While political polarisation has been almost unequivocally studied as synonymous with ideological polarisation, scholars have recently addressed polarisation along partisan lines manifesting through strong …

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Does the Centre Hold? Public Sphere Configuration, Democracy, and the Quality of Political Talk in Sweden

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Author: Peter Strandbrink

In the present article, key conceptual and regulative requirements for quality public democratic talk to be maintained are identified and the linguistic economy of civic conversation about common affairs in the Swedish public sphere gauged; the relationship between public …

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Fragmented and Polarised? The German Public Sphere during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Author: Maximilian Conrad

The digital age has brought about fundamental questions about the viability of the public sphere. While a shared and inclusive communicative space is widely considered to be a fundamental requirement for democratic deliberation, the rise of social (and other …

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What Is the EU’s Vision of Democracy in the Post-Truth Scenario? A Conceptual Analysis of the Institutional Narratives of the Public Sphere in the “Democracy Action Plan”

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Authors: Elena García-Guitián, Luis Bouza & Taru Haapala

Contributing to recent academic and public debates on how European democracies should respond to a scenario of “post-truth politics”, this article explores the idea of democracy that underlies current regulatory responses in the “European …

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Not About Facts, but Emotions? Political Polarisation as a Problem of Redescription

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Author: Jeremias Schledorn

Political polarisation, e.g. following the refugee movements of 2015 or the Covid pandemic, is often explained by emotions. The latter are widely exploited as a political strategy, while points of view are often discredited as based on mere emotion …

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