
Rannsóknasetur um smáríki, Rannsóknasetur um norðurslóðir og Höfði friðarsetur Reykjavíkurborgar og Háskóla Íslands starfa innan vébanda Alþjóðamálastofnunar.

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Rannsóknasetur um smáríki

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Rannsóknasetur um norðurslóðir

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Alþjóðamálastofnun beitir sér fyrir auknu samstarfi milli fræðimanna, atvinnulífs og opinberra aðila á sviði alþjóðamála og gengst fyrir ráðstefnum, umræðufundum og fyrirlestrum um efni sem tengjast starfssviði stofnunarinnar. Stofnunin er vettvangur fyrir fræðileg alþjóðasamskipti og þverfagleg þjónustuverkefni fyrir atvinnulíf, fyrirtæki og stofnanir.


Report: Contestation over Truth Regimes: Russia, China and the US digital diplomacy on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

The report explores digital diplomacy campaigns conducted by three foreign powers (China, Russia, and in comparison, The United States) in selected EU member states. It sheds light on how the first two try to achieve a specific external impact – severing foreign populations’ links to the regimes of truth that …

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Report: Reimagining the International as a Challenge to Liberal Democracy

This report returns to the recent history of the covid pandemic, rising populism and foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) by Russia and China to explore how the crisis it produced shaped the contestation between strategic disinformation campaigns and EU’s security apparatuses. The report does so from a novel vantage …

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Process tracing, QCA and SNA analytical and methodological details

Project: RECLAIM

Authors: Luis Bouza García (UAM), Álvaro Oleart (ULB), Rocío Sánchez del Vas (UC3M) and Juan Roch (UNED)

The objective of WP7 is to analyse how normative conceptions of public debate in democracy relate to different policy alternatives and political strategies to fight disinformation by using political theory to …

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