D6.3_Report_Contestation over Truth Regimes_page-0001

Report: Contestation over Truth Regimes: Russia, China and the US digital diplomacy on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

The report explores digital diplomacy campaigns conducted by three foreign powers (China, Russia, and in comparison, The United States) in selected EU member states. It sheds light on how the first two try to achieve a specific external impact – severing foreign populations’ links to the regimes of truth that constitute their states’ economies of power, including through strategic disinformation and propaganda efforts. In so doing, these campaigns aim to increase ontological and epistemological insecurity, creating a crisis of belonging, and knowledge production and transfer. They may reach this goal by spreading positive narratives about themselves (identity affirmation), by disseminating a particular worldview (truth construction); but also by challenging the existing regimes of truth (truth contestation). Subsequently, we compare their strategies with that of the United States. Empirically, the paper focuses on a particular ‘controversy’ – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its treatment in the tweets produced by diplomatic missions in the EU of the three foreign powers. Methodologically, the study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches, relying in particular on computer-enhanced critical discourse analysis.

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