Rabab Baldo

Rabab Baldo

Gender Activist, Former Senior Gender & Inclusivity Advisor, Office of the IGAD Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan,

Dr. Rabab Baldo is a prominent figure in Sudan who has worked for gender equality and inclusivity since an early age. She led the engendering peace process in Sudan in 1990s to bring women’s voice, needs, and inspiration in the Sudan peace processes.

Baldo has worked with various UN agencies in more than 15 countries in 3 regions; Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. She worked as a senior gender and inclusivity advisor in the office of the IGAD Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan. She is a prominent figure in mediation and conflict resolution process; she has pushed and ensured South Sudanese women effective participation that resulted in gender provision in the Revitalized Peace Agreement and in post agreement mediations processes. More recently, she has supported the Ethiopian women to champion WPS agenda in Ethiopia and strengthen them to participate in the peace process.

Dr. Rabab has been active in solving the recent conflict in her country Sudan, where she advocates for the protection of civilians, especially women from sexual and gender based violence (SGBV). She has also played a major role in supporting Sudanese refugees in Cairo.

Dr. Rabab is a member of FEMWISE - The Network of African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (FemWise-Africa), she established the Sudan FEMWISE Chapter. She is also a member of various peace, WPS and mediations network at national, regional and globally.