Chris Coulter

Chris Coulter

Deputy Executive Director at the Berlin-based Berghof Foundation

Dr. Chris Coulter has over 20 years of experience within the fields of peace, security and mediation. Coulter is Deputy Executive Director at the Berlin-based Berghof Foundation. In addition to her key role in Berghof’s overall executive management, Coulter heads the department in charge of mediation support, negotiation and training. Previously Coulter served as Chief Operations Officer and Director of Programs at the Negotiation Strategies Institute (NSI) in Jerusalem. and head of the Dialogue and Peace Mediation Unit at the Folke Bernadotte Academy–the Swedish Government Agency for Peace, Security and Development.

Coulter has worked as an international gender, peace and security expert for almost 20 years with assignments in more than a dozen countries. Examples of her experience include working as senior gender adviser to the Colombian government during the peace talks with FARC-EP and participated during the peace talks in Havana and other projects as special adviser to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Sweden.