
Post-Brexit Europe (PELEEA)

Centre for Small State Studies

The project is a Jean Monnet Project funded by the EU‘s Erasmus+ programme. It is led by the Institute for International Affairs at the University of Iceland and Centre for Small States Studies working in close collaboration with the University of Cambridge, Arena Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo and the Leichtenstein Institute. The total funding for the two-year project is EUR 44,373 which is used to organize workshops and events in Oslo, Liechtenstein and Reykjavik. Partners published short policy recommendations following each workshop.

About the project

When voters in the United Kingdom opted to leave the European Union, re-conceptualising European integration swiftly became one of the most pressing political challenges of our time. Post-Brexit Europe: Lessons from the European Economic Area aims to make a significant and timely contribution to this debate drawing largely on the unique and highly relevant experience of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway who have structured their relations with the EU through the European Economic Area.
