
The Imagine Forum mynd
16. Aug. 2023

The Imagine Forum: Fostering Dialogue for Peace

Save the Date! The Imagine Forum: Fostering Dialogue for Peace will take place at the University of Iceland on October 10, 2024.
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skiptir framtíðin máli
16. Aug. 2023

Skiptir framtíðin máli? Samtal um Sáttmála framtíðarinnar

Viltu vita meira um Sáttmála framtíðarinnar (e. Pact for the Future). Komdu og taktu þátt í umræðu um hvernig við getum elft alþjóðlegt samstarf til að mæta þörfum samtímans á sama tíma og við undirbúum okkur fyrir áskoranir framtíðarinnar
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16. Aug. 2023

The Road to the White House: Polarization and the 2024 U.S. Election

Open Seminar on Thursday 23 May from 12:00-13:00 in Oddi 101, University of Iceland
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16. Aug. 2023

ACONA Conference Reykjavík 2024

ACONA Conference Reykjavík 2024
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nato viðburður
16. Aug. 2023

75 Years of NATO - Cooperation for Peace

Open meeting to celebrate NATO 75th anniversary in Hátíðarsal, University of Iceland main building, Monday May 13th 2024
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16. Aug. 2023

Apply now for ACONA

Apply Now: ARMS CONTROL NEGOTIATION ACADEMY 2024-2025 Fellowship Cohort
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16. Aug. 2023

Play Money? Digital Currencies, Crypto, and International Security

Open seminar by Professor Marc Lanteigne. Tuesday, 19 March, from 16:00 to 17:00 in Lögberg 101, University of Iceland.
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16. Aug. 2023

The Future of British Politics

Open seminar, Friday 8 March from 13:00 to 14:00 in Oddi 101, University of Iceland
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16. Aug. 2023

At a Crossroads: Iceland in the International System

Join us for a discussion on Iceland and international cooperation at our annual conference on April 24th from 10:00 - 18:00 at the Nordic House.
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16. Aug. 2023

Annáll Alþjóðamálastofnunar 2023

Í þessari samantekt er farið yfir þau fjölmörgu verkefni á sviði alþjóða- og utanríkismála sem Alþjóðamálastofnun Háskóla Íslands hefur unnið árið 2023
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Snjallræði-Lokahóf-FB-borði (1)
16. Aug. 2023

Lokadagur Snjallræðis 2023

✍️ Taktu 15. desember frá fyrir lokadag Snjallræðis 2023! Á þessari uppskeruhátíð munu teymin sem hafa tekið þátt í Snjallræði síðustu 16 vikur kynna hugmyndir sínar og afrakstur síðustu mánaða.
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16. Aug. 2023

Vonlaus staða? Átökin fyrir botni Miðjarðarhafs

Upptaka frá opnum fundi Alþjóðamálastofnunar um átökin fyrir botni Miðjarðarhafs, sem fram fór miðvikudaginn 8. nóvember 2023
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Pre event_Arctic Circle_010
16. Aug. 2023

Arctic Challenges: The Importance of Trans Arctic Collaboration

Last Wednesday, the Centre for Arctic Studies hosted an open seminar leading up to the Arctic Circle Assembly. The seminar aimed to bring together prominent academics and experts for a constructive dialogue on the challenges facing the Arctic. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, the Chairman of the Arctic Circle, delivered opening remarks in which he emphasized the importance of collaboration in the Arctic, the very reason he established the Arctic Circle Assembly. The seminar featured three panels that covered a range
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16. Aug. 2023

Leaning into Cooperation: Changes in Icelanders' Perspectives on International Politics after Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

This report summarizes the main findings of the second iteration of a survey of Icelanders’ attitudes towards foreign affairs and international cooperation.
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ARCADE bakgrunnsmynd
16. Aug. 2023

ARCADE program- Open for applications

Become the voice of the Arctic - Apply for the Arctic Academy for Social and Environmental Leadership today!
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Untitled design
16. Aug. 2023

Arctic Challenges: The Importance of Trans Arctic Collaboration

Leading into the Arctic Circle Assembly, the University of Iceland will host an open seminar bringing prominent academics and experts together for a constructive dialogue on Arctic challenges. Increased research collaboration in the Arctic is crucial to finding effective solutions to Arctic security and addressing the need for green transition in the Arctic. The event will take place on October 18 in the Ceremonial Hall at the University of Iceland. All are welcome!
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16. Aug. 2023

The Imagine Forum 2023: Nordic Solidarity for Peace

The debate on peace, disarmament and the peaceful resolution of conflicts has rarely been more important. Peace is a prerequisite for well-being, equality, social stability, and environmental and human rights protection. The Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers and Höfði Peace Centre invites you to join us for a discussion on the future vision of the Nordic countries for sustainable peace.
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