
Rannsóknasetur um smáríki, Rannsóknasetur um norðurslóðir og Höfði friðarsetur Reykjavíkurborgar og Háskóla Íslands starfa innan vébanda Alþjóðamálastofnunar.

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Höfði Reykjavík Peace Centre

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Centre for Small State Studies

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Centre for Arctic Studies

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Alþjóðamálastofnun beitir sér fyrir auknu samstarfi milli fræðimanna, atvinnulífs og opinberra aðila á sviði alþjóðamála og gengst fyrir ráðstefnum, umræðufundum og fyrirlestrum um efni sem tengjast starfssviði stofnunarinnar. Stofnunin er vettvangur fyrir fræðileg alþjóðasamskipti og þverfagleg þjónustuverkefni fyrir atvinnulíf, fyrirtæki og stofnanir.


Report of Belgian Pre-Presidency Panel, November 2023

Report from the RECLAIM panel "Building Democratic Resilience in Europe" at TEPSA's Belgian Pre-Presidency conference in November 2023.

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Post-truth politics as discursive violence: Online abuse, the public sphere and the figure of ‘the expert’

Charlotte Galpin and Patrick Vernon, University of Birmingham

British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 2023

Project: Post-Truth

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Public opinion survey: Country comparative reports and Citizens’ experiments: Data report

Authors: Martin Moland (ARENA), Asimina Michailidou (ARENA), Jacopo Custodi (SNS) and Hans-Jörg Trenz (SNS)

This report begins by presenting country-level responses to questions regarding journalistic characteristics, functions, their perceived importance and fact-checking (D4.3). Subsequently, we present the results of our survey experiment (D4.6).

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The European approach to online disinformation: geopolitical and regulatory dissonance

Authors: Andreu Casero-Ripollés, Jorge Tuñón and Luis Bouza-García

Project: RECLAIM

The COVID-19 health crisis and the invasion of Ukraine have placed disinformation in the focus of European policies. This article aims to analyze the emerging European policy on counter-disinformation practices and regulations. To this end the article examines developing European …

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Regulating Disinformation and Big Tech in the EU: A Research Agenda on the Institutional Strategies, Public Spheres and Analytical Challenges

Authors: Luis Bouza García and Alvaro Oleart

Project: RECLAIM

The growing influence of social media platforms, and the disinformation that circulates in them, has transformed the public spheres. How to deal with disinformation is an open normative, empirical and political question in contemporary democracies. This article, outlines an agenda on …

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Report: Pre-Presidency Conference 2023

Panel at TEPSA’s Spanish Pre-Presidency Conference “Reclaiming Public Debates as an EU Response to Post Truth Challenges: Deliberation, quality information and citizen education”, Madrid, 1 June 2023

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Report: Pre-Presidency Conference 2022

Panel at TEPSA’s Swedish Pre-Presidency Conference “The Future of the Union and its Fundamental Values”, Stockholm 1 December 2022

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Leaning into Cooperation: Changes in Icelanders' Perspectives on International Politics after Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Author: Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir

This report summarizes the main findings of the second iteration of a survey of Icelanders’ attitudes towards foreign affairs and international cooperation. The findings reflect a changed reality, as Russia’s war against Ukraine has shaken belief in the sanctity of borders and respect for international law. …

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