The third workshop of the project was hosted by the University of Malta under the heading Small States and Open Borders on 6 December 2018. The workshop was organized as an open event giving the civil society and policy makers, as well as the academic community, direct access to the network and the research conducted by the partners. Lund University was the main coordinator of the second workshop which was co-hosted by the Centre for Small State Studies at the University of Iceland. The location of the workshop correlates to the expertise of the host partner.
In conjunction with the workshop in Lund the network hosted a closed roundtable for young researchers. At this roundtable young researchers were given the chance to present their research to the academics present. Thus receiving feedback on their research from leading scholars in the field of small state studies. The young researchers attending were: Jana Wrange, Lund University; Mariliis Trei, Tallinn University of Technology; and Ida Alic, University of Zagreb.