Háskóli Íslands stendur fyrir opnu málþingi um áskoranir norðurslóða miðvikudaginn 16. október kl. 13-17. Viðburðurinn fer fram í Hátíðarsal Háskóla Íslands og er opinn öllum.
Á málþinginu, sem er hliðarviðburður við hið árlega Hringborð norðurslóða (Arctic Circle Assembly), koma saman innlendir og erlendir fræðimenn og sérfræðingar og ræða m.a. stöðugleika, frið og þróun á norðurslóðum, rannsóknasamstarf á svæðinu og öryggi á hafsvæðum.
Meðal annars verður leitast við að svara eftirfarandi spurningum: Hvernig er hægt að vinna að bættu vísindasamstarfi á norðurslóðum í ljósi vaxandi spennu milli ríkja og aðkallandi loftslagsvanda? Hvaða áskoranir fylgja nýjum siglingaleiðum á norðurslóðum og auknu aðgengi að auðlindum svæðisins? Hvaða innviðir eru til staðar til þess að takast á við þessar breytingar?
Málþingið fer fram á ensku.
Opnað hefur verið fyrir skráningu. Skráning fer fram hér!
13:00 Welcome Remarks Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector and President of the University of Iceland
13:05 Opening remarks Lars Kullerud, President of the University of the Arctic, UArctic
13:20 Arctic Governance: The Problems of Accelerating Climate Change and a Dysfunctional Governance System
Panel discussion Ambassador Bergdís Ellertsdóttir, Iceland's Senior Arctic Official, Inuuteq Holm Olsen, Head of Greenland’s Mission to the EU, Ambassador Morten Høglund, Chair of the Senior Arctic Officials
Moderated by Pia Hansson, Director, Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland
14:15 Keynote address Melody Brown Burkins, Director of the Institute of Arctic Studies at Dartmouth and UArctic Chair in Science Diplomacy and Inclusion
14:25 Science Diplomacy in the Arctic
Panel discussion Guðbjörg Ríkey Th. Hauksdóttir, PhD Candidate, University of Iceland; Predoctoral Fellow, Harvard's Arctic Initiative, Gunn-Britt Retter, Head, Arctic & Environmental Unit, Saami Council, Melody Brown Burkins, Director, Institute of Arctic Studies at Dartmouth and UArctic Chair in Science Diplomacy and Inclusion, Oran Young, Professor Emeritus at the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California in Santa Barbara
Moderated by Kristinn Schram, Associate Professor, University of Iceland and Vice-lead for the UArctic Thematic Network Circumpolar Archives, Folklore and Ethnography (CAFE)
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 Keynote address Viggó Sigurðsson, Coordinator of the Operational Department of the Icelandic Coast Guard
15:45: Maritime Safety in the Arctic
Panel discussion Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir, Rector, University of Akureyri, Kjell Stokvik, Director, Centre for High North Logistics/ Nord University, Lára Jóhannsdóttir, Professor in Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Sustainability, University of Iceland, Soffía Guðmundsdóttir, Executive Director, PAME, Viggó Sigurðsson, Coordinator, Operational Department, Icelandic Coast Guard
Moderated by Gunnar Stefánsson, Vice-President of Research, UArctic; Professor, University of Iceland and University of Chalmers
16:40 Introducing the Polar Dialogue
Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland 2017-2024