Vytautas Kuokštis and Ramūnas Vilpišauskas - Vilnius University
Project: NAS
Jón Gunnar Ólafsson - University of Iceland, Faculty of Political Science
Pia Hansson and Auður Birna Stefánsdóttir - University of Iceland, Centre for Small State Studies
Steven Murphy - University of Iceland
Project: SSANSE
Steven Murphy - University of Iceland
Project: SSANSE
This book examines the security, defence and foreign policy choices and challenges of small states in NATO and its small partner states in the new security environment.
This article illustrates how the crisis of the news media is impacting political coverage in Iceland. Perceptions of routine political coverage in the Icelandic media have not been studied before, and this article fills this research gap and situates the Icelandic case within the wider news media crisis literature.
Vytautas Kuokštis, Ramūnas Vilpišauskas, Algirdas Bieliūnas - Vilnius University
Project: NAS
Editors: Tómas Joensen, University of Iceland and Ian Taylor, St. Andrews University
Project: NAS
Primoz Pevcin - University of Ljubljana
Project: NAS
Jón Gunnar Ólafsson, Goldsmiths - University of London, UK
Nordic Journal of Media Studies
Ritstýrt af Christine Ingebritsen, Iver B. Neumann, Sieglinde Gstöhl og Jessica Beyer
Külli Sarapuu og Tiina Randma-Liiv - Tækniháskólinn í Tallinn, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance
Verkefni: NAS
Đana Luša - Háskólinn í Zagreb
Verkefni: NAS
Tiina Randma-Liiv og Külli Sarapuu - Tækniháskólinn í Tallinn, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance
Verkefni: NAS
Danila Rijavec og Primož Pevcin - Háskólinn í Ljubljana
Verkefni: NAS
Anders Wivel - Háskólinn í Kapmannahöfn
Verkefni: NAS
Baldur Thorhallsson, Sverrir Steinsson og Þorsteinn Kristinsson - Háskóli Íslands
Verkefni: NAS
Baldur Þórhallsson – Háskóli Íslands
Verkefni: NAS
Skýrsla um samskipti Íslands og Kína frá 1995-2021. Höfundar skýrslunnar eru Baldur Þórhallsson, prófessor í stjórnmálafræði, og Snæfríður Grímsdóttir, aðjúnkt í kínverskum fræðum.
Á haustmánuðum 2013 var leitað til Alþjóðamálastofnunar Háskóla Íslands um úttekt á aðildarviðræðum Íslands við Evrópusambandið. Verkbeiðendur eru Alþýðusamband Íslands, Samtök atvinnulífsins, Félag atvinnurekenda og Viðskiptaráð Íslands. Markmið verkefnisins er að leggja mat á stöðu aðildarviðræðna Íslands við Evrópusambandið, að greina þau álitaefni sem eru til staðar og þá kosti …
Gustav Petursson - University of Iceland
Project: SSANSE
Margarita Šešelgytė - Vilnius University
Presented at the conference: ‘Small States and the Changing Global Order: New Zealand Faces the Future’ at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 3-4 June 2017
Alan Tidwell - Georgetown University
Presented at the conference: ‘Small States and the Changing Global Order: New Zealand Faces the Future’ at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 3-4 June 2017
Anne-Marie Brady - University of Canterbury
Presented at the conference: ‘Small States and the Changing Global Order: New Zealand Faces the Future’ at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 3-4 June 2017
Baldur Thorhallsson - University of Iceland
Presented at the conference: ‘Small States and the Changing Global Order: New Zealand Faces the Future’ at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 3-4 June 2017
Caroline Grön - Háskólinn í Kaupmannahöfn
Alyson JK Bailes - Háskóli Íslands
Urban Jaksa - Háskólinn í York
Samantekt frá lokaráðstefnu PELEEA verkefnisins sem haldin var í Reykjavík 29. ágúst 2019
Verkefni: PELEEA
Christian Frommelt, Forstöðumaður Liechtenstein Institut
Verkefni: PELEEA
John Erik Fossum og Hans Petter Graver, ARENA Centre for European Studies, Háskólinn í Osló
Verkefni: PELEEA
This module offers a comprehensive introduction to small state leadership in international diplomacy. The module will introduce students to the literatures on foreign policy analysis and small state foreign policy and build on these general insights when zooming in on small state leadership in foreign policy and diplomacy
This module provides students with an understanding of how small states perform and profile themselves on normative leadership in gender equality. Students are presented with research from and on various small states, who have found a niche in international relations where they can excel and lead by example.
The main aim of this module is to give a concentrated overview of the small states’ foreign and security policy characteristics while revealing the importance of the leadership component in it.
This is the second module of the course “Leadership in Small States”. The module concentrates on leadership issues from the perspective of public administration and governance.
This module is an introduction to the course Leadership in Small States. It aims to give a brief introduction to both small state studies and leadership studies, while also offering an insight into how these two academic standpoints interact
Fólksflutningar hafa lítið verið rannsakaðir út frá sjónarhóli smáríkja. Námskeiðið býður upp á þverfræðilega nálgun á þetta efni.
Verkefni: TCDA
Markmið námskeiðsins er að framhaldsnemendur öðlist skilning á stjórnsýslu og stjórnarháttum í smáríkjum.
Verkefni: TCDA
Markmið námskeiðsins er að framhaldsnemendur öðlist skilning á sérstöðu smáríkja með tilliti til alþjóðalaga.
Verkefni: TCDA
Markmið námskeiðsins er að framhaldsnemendur öðlist alhliða skilning á sérstæðum einkennum utanríkisstefna smáríkja.
Verkefni: TCDA